Welcome To
True Gospel Independent Baptist Church
" ¶Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth." John 17:17

Watch Night Service 2021

What a way to end a year and shout in a new one. The church enjoyed some great preaching from Brother Steve Blankenship from the Marvelous Grace Girls Academy, Evangelist Ben (Daddy Long Legs) Watson along with his family singing to the glory of God. Lets not forget Evangelist Ken McDonald picking and grinning on his 12 string before breaking the precious bread of life with us. To top it all off the Marvelous Grace Girls Academy blessed us their testimonies and soul stirring singing. Oh ya, it would be a Baptist Church if we didn't mention the food! We ate like kings and enjoyed some fantastic year end fellowship. Make plans to be with us at the end of 2021. 

Sister Sandy's 70 Year's Young Celebration 

Mothers Day Breakfast

This Mothers Day the church celebrated by honoring our moms with a good breakfast of scrambled eggs, all three sides of the pig, cheese grits, hashbrowns, biscuits with gravy,  and assorted pastries. However the best part was our special guest Sister Susan Edge our missionary to Bangladesh. She gave an update on her work as a nurse and hospital administrator there in Bangladesh. This Christian lady has dedicated her entire life to the service of the Lord. Only Heaven knows how many people have come to know the Lord through her labors. It is an honor for us to support such a fine servant of the Lord. 

The Church Gets A New Roof

In 2020 Hurricane Sally came to church and blew the roof off the house. Glory! It's May 2021 and the Lord has given us a new one. With much prayers, sacrifice from the faithful members of TGIBC and the miracle working Hand of the Lord we have a new look with a new top.  The church did not have to sell peanut brittle in the Walmart parking lot, Boston Butts, or spaghetti supers! God moved in the congregation, burdened the hearts of His people and together TGIBC did the impossible.

Luke 1:37; "For with God nothing shall be impossible."

The Scratch Ankle Bible Jubilee 2023

This year the church hosted it's first Scratch Ankle Bible Jubilee to celebrate our churches seventh anniversary in our new building. We enjoyed two great days of singing, preaching and some bluegrass music provided by Glory bound Gospel Group w/ Clayton Cotton along with the Cross Point String Band from Tennessee. There was an old fashioned theme to the meeting so it was a great time for the men to wear their overalls and the ladies dresses and bonnets. To say the least we had a great time worshipping the Lord. Pastor Wesley Givens from Seminole Baptist Church in Alabama brought us a wonderful message from the Word of God and Brother Glenn Kosiorek brought us the Sunday morning message. Great preaching from two faithful servants of the Lord. It wouldn't be a Baptist meeting without food, so we enjoyed food and fellowship after all the services. 

 ¶Rejoice in the LORD, O ye righteous: for praise is comely for the upright. Praise the LORD with harp: sing unto him with the psaltery and an instrument of ten strings. Sing unto him a new song; play skilfully with a loud noise. 4  For the word of the LORD is right; and all his works are done in truth.

Psalms 33:1-3